During this week’s topic, “SETTING BOUNDARIES” the crew walks you through How To Set Boundaries in any aspect of your life.Tune in, join the conversation, and grab your ingredients for the Producer’s Drink of the Week, “Hara-Kiri” and enjoy.

Before showtime:
Gather your ingredients, (by going to: http://bit.ly/DOW11-9-16)
Set your reminder, (by going to: http://bit.ly/PDAYT11-9-16)
TUNE IN for an Edutaining discussion at 7p PT (9p CT/10p ET) and
WATCH US on Youtube! (http://bit.ly/PDAYT11-9-16)

Playing Devil’s Advocate™
Uncensored, Unscripted, UNAPOLOGETIC!! http://ow.ly/i/oPm4F